NYC Suffers Under Crime Wave

( New York City Mayor Eric Adams is under scrutiny after claiming that subway crime is down in the city but failing to address the rise of violence above ground. Several high-profile murders have...

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Everyday Briefs

Biden’s Past Comments Come Back To Bite Him

( A reporter has recounted Joe Biden’s remarks about older politicians, notably former Senate Foreign Relations Committee chair Claiborne Pell. Mr. Pell was in...

Trump VP Pick’s Past Shocks Onlookers

( - Some Republicans have expressed surprise and concern about Donald Trump’s Vice Presidential pick, JD Vance. On social media, several questioned the choice of a man who had previously compared the former President to Adolf Hitler and described himself as a “never-Trump guy.” Donald Trump acknowledged that Vance has made derogatory remarks in the past but added, “he gets it now.” Aides have suggested that Trump chose the 39-year-old Ohio Senator because data shows he fares well with younger voters, particularly in swing states such as Pennsylvania and Michigan, and appeals to the conservative old guard of the Republican...

State Border Security Bill To Hit Ballot In November

( - Arizona’s Secure the Border Act will be on the November ballot after the Maricopa County Superior Court threw out a lawsuit challenging its legitimacy. The legislation aims to crack down on illegal immigration in the Grand Canyon State, which sees some of the highest migrant numbers in America. State Senator Janae Shamp introduced the law, which would make it a state criminal offense to enter Arizona illegally, except at a lawful point of entry. In a published statement, Senator Shamp said, “My colleagues and I worked tirelessly this session to create impactful legislation to help secure our border.”...

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Straight Features

Sex Expert Dr Dies at 96

( - Dr. Ruth Westheimer, the famous therapist who enjoyed a global media career in the 1980s and 1990s, has died at age 96....

Trump Campaign Denies ‘Project 2025’ Connection

( - Donald Trump has denied any connection to the controversial Project 2025, a blueprint for a conservative Presidency created by the Heritage Foundation. The former President’s campaign team hit back at accusations that he endorses or supports the proposals in the document and said his only policy promises are those of Agenda 47 and the Republican Party. Trump campaign spokesperson Danielle Alvarez said President Biden and the DNC are lying and fear-mongering as a distraction from the President’s poor debate performance and because the Democrats have “nothing to offer the American people.” The conservative Heritage Foundation document was partly...

Arkansas AG Suggests Chinese Online Retailer Is ‘Spyware’

( - Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin has accused Chinese platform Temu of violating state law and collecting information on American consumers. The shopping app bypassed Amazon last year as the world’s biggest online shopping site, and Griffin claims it has access to “virtually all data on a user’s cell phone.” He labeled the shopping platform “dangerous malware.” The Texas Public Policy Foundation holds a similar view and said the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) could conceivably install spyware on phones and conduct “complete surveillance” of all user activity. Chinese company PDD Holdings, headquartered in Ireland, owns Temu and a platform called...

Breaking News

Ways & Means

China Military Exercises In Europe Heighten Tension

( - Three teenagers have been arrested over the death of a 60-year-old security officer at a Mississippi convenience store. Jackson Police Chief Joseph...

Popular Entertainer and Actor John Cena Retires From Wrestling

Wrestler John Cena announced his retirement at a Toronto event, stunning his fans. Cena will quit in 2025 but will perform in over 40 events before then. The 47-year-old made the announcement after climbing into the ring in front of thousands of fans and stating that his 24 years at World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) were soon to end. “Thank you so much for letting me play in the house you built for so many years,” he said. The Canadian crowd chanted, “Thank you, Cena,” as the wrestler spoke. He unveiled a T-shirt labeled “The Last Time is Now” and “John...

Trump Campaign Relaxes on Biden Post-Debate

( - Analysts have pointed out the relative silence from the Trump campaign as calls for President Biden to step down louden. Rep. Steve Stivers of Ohio explained the lack of intervention, stating, “When your opponent is blowing himself up, don’t interrupt.” Senator Markwayne Mullin of Oklahoma added that Trump’s lack of comment on the unfolding Democrat crisis signals a greater maturity than the former President demonstrated in the past. Mullin added that Trump’s silence avoids accusations that he is bullying President Biden and allows people to feel sorry for him, knowing the public does want a President they pity. Chris...

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