About Straight News

At Straight News, our dedicated writing and editorial teams bring you the latest in news and current events, with no spin. We’re an American news publication committed to reporting breaking and developing news and features that keep you informed on events that impact not only our nation, but the world. We keep both eyes on the news so we can get the facts to you in a timely manner.

We know that you value balanced reporting, so we work tirelessly to deliver reports on notable events and issues that are objective, honest, and straightforward. Our team doesn’t cater to the agendas of big businesses, and we don’t let politicians or political parties sway us. Instead, we adhere to integrity in journalism, seeking the truth before we report.

Readers like you want to make up their own minds, so we never attempt to form or shape your opinions on an important matter. Rather, we simply bring the news to you. You can take it from there, because opinion and choice are completely personal to you.

Straight News Values Free Speech

The team here at Straight News encourages fair reporting and freedom of speech. Just like you, we place a high value on the opportunity to consider an issue from every angle. We promise to craft our stories with context and provide easy-to-understand explanations of unfolding issues.

Oftentimes, major news outlets allow themselves to be influenced by outside forces that negatively impact their objectivity. As a publication, our team doesn’t prescribe to a particular stance or political leaning. The ability to access unbiased news is so important, hence our name: Straight News. That’s who we are, and what we strive for.

What You Can Expect From Us

Straight News delivers regular news updates and current events straight to you via email. On a weekly basis, you can expect to receive Everyday Briefs and Straight Features. Let’s take a look at each category, and what to look for from each.

Everyday Briefs

Everyday Briefs are news stories that are written especially for quick reading and easy comprehension. These days, many readers like you don’t have a lot of time to spend checking up on the news. We craft these stories in a way that makes them easy for you to skim before you go about your daily routine.

Wherever you are, you can access the news, keeping your finger on the pulse of impactful stories happening across the U.S. and the world. We cover current events, political news, financial and economic issues, and other unfolding events that impact Americans either directly or indirectly.

Straight Features

Straight Features arrive in your inbox in the same way as Everyday Briefs. They’re stories with a bit more breadth, which dig deeper into headlines that require more context. When we cover a long-running issue with more detail, you might find it here.

If you have a little extra time to check the news over morning coffee–or even after work–then you might want to sit down with Straight Features. We’ll work our hardest to deliver solid news you can rely on, week after week.

Reach Out to the Straight News Team

Want to share a news tip or your feedback with us? It’s easy. Email contact(at)straightnews.org to get in touch with us. We’re looking forward to hearing from you!

Straight News

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Glendale CA 91205
