Biden Mentions Recent Meeting with Long-Dead Leader

( – President Biden has come under fire for describing a meeting he had with a French President who died over a decade ago. During a campaign event in Las Vegas, Nevada, the President described attending a G7 meeting with fellow NATO leaders soon after his election to the White House.

He said he met with German leader Francois Mitterand but quickly corrected that error and said Mitterand was, in fact, the leader of France. However, Mr. Mitterand died in 1996 and left the French Presidency the previous year. The French leader at the G7 meeting in 2021 was current President Emmanuel Macron.

During the same speech, Biden referred to the “election” of the UK Prime Minister – who is not directly elected but is appointed if they are the leader of the party with the most seats in the British Parliament – and repeatedly mentioned “The London Times.” There is no newspaper in Britain called “The London Times.”

Verbal gaffes have plagued President Biden since he entered the White House, and Donald Trump has zoned in on these to discredit his likely opponent in the 2024 race. Infamous mistakes include calling out to a Congresswoman at an event, even though she died weeks earlier. Despite Trump’s criticisms, he has also faced scrutiny in recent months for similar verbal mistakes.

During an event in New Hampshire, President Trump confused former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi with his Republican rival Nikki Haley. Mr. Trump said that on January 6, Haley was in charge of security on Capitol Hill but refused his offer to send the National Guard to the scene. Nikki Haley later questioned Trump’s mental capacity and said America should not have such concerns about its commander-in-chief.

Experts suggest, however, that campaigning pressure and exhaustion can derail people’s thought processes. Catherine Price, a brain expert at the University of Florida, said, “Whenever a person is under a lot of pressure, errors can happen.”

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