Alex Jones Has On-Air Breakdown

( – Controversial podcaster Alex Jones broke into tears on air while claiming that federal authorities are determined to shut down his Infowars platform. The 50-year-old screamed, cried, and shouted while slamming his fists on his desk and insisting that the “Deep State” was trying to destroy him. “All we’re trying to do is save America, and they’re f–king us over, over and over again,” he said.

Jones advertised the broadcast as conceivably his final one, but Infowars remains operational. During the show, he warned that the feds would raid his studio in Austin, Texas, but the threats failed to materialize.

Nevertheless, court filings against him did include requests to shut down his show, but a bankruptcy judge rejected these just days after Mr. Jones’ on-camera breakdown.

The broadcaster’s troubles began in 2012 following the Sandy Hook school shooting. The popular conspiracist publicly claimed that the shooting was a false flag operation staged by the government to advance gun control arguments. Victims’ families sued Jones and won a staggering $1.5 billion in damages. He immediately filed for bankruptcy reorganization, but the parties could not reach an agreement.

In the latest legal judgment in the long-running dispute, the families asked bankruptcy judge Christopher Lopez to liquidate Mr. Jones’ assets, including his company, Free Speech Systems. The company is thought to have around $4 million in the bank and accumulates millions monthly. According to his most recent financial statements, Jones’ personal wealth is around $9 million, and his Austin property is valued at $2.6 million.

However, Judge Lopez refused to order the liquidation until the case was re-examined later in June. Christopher Mattei, a lawyer for the Sandy Hook families, accused Jones of manufacturing crises in his four-hour broadcast about the Deep State and the secret files it allegedly keeps on him and his organization.

If Judge Lopez eventually orders liquidation, the court will force Jones to sell his assets, including his company, but he will likely be allowed to keep his home.

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