BB Gun Carrying Teenager Fatally Shot By Police

( – Police in Upstate New York shot and killed a 13-year-old boy carrying a pellet gun. Video footage showed the teenager tackled to the ground by officers in Utica after they stopped him in connection with an armed robbery. The boy and his friend reportedly matched witness descriptions, and video footage shows police approach them, saying they needed to conduct a search. At that point, one of the two boys fled on foot, and a subsequent photograph appeared to show him aiming his gun at the pursuing officers, who later stated that they believed the weapon was a real firearm.

The dead boy was identified as Nyah Mway, whose family say they will seek justice. His uncle, Lay Htoo, said they were devastated, especially as they had migrated to America to escape violence and keep their children safe. The family moved to Utica eight years ago amid spiraling violence and civil unrest in their native Thailand. Lay Htoo questioned why officers felt it necessary to shoot the teenager when they could have used a stun gun or a taser.

Utica Police Chief Mark Williams, however, insisted body camera footage demonstrated that the officers had every reason to fear for their lives. Mr. Williams argued that people were emotional at the thought of a dead child and “weren’t ready for the facts.”

Media reports indicate that members of the Asian community in Utica had rallied together and demanded answers as to why the child was shot and not otherwise restrained. LuPway Doh, a local community leader, added that police also need to answer why they approached the two children in the first place. He said the scenario suggested racial profiling by officers, as well as excessive and unnecessary force.

After the shooting, officers discovered that Nyah Mway was carrying a Glock 17 Gen 5 handgun replica. Utica Police posted photographs of the gun online to emphasize its similarity to a real weapon.

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