Amateur Boxer Fights Off Brazen Armed Thieves

( – An amateur boxer successfully fought off three armed thugs who tried to rob him outside his gym in Los Angeles. Rocco DiStefano, who owns the Lab Sunset Athletic Club in West Hollywood, confronted the robbers who jumped out of a Cadillac and rushed at him while he was out walking his dog. One assailant punched him and knocked him to the ground, while another held a handgun to his head and yelled, “Take it off.” When DiStefano realized they meant his Rolex watch, he took it off, clasped it in his hand, and said, “You’re going to have to take it from me.”

The boxer said he doesn’t fully recall what happened because he had a rush of adrenaline, but he knows he was able to trip up the robber behind him, forcing him to fall on his accomplice. DiStefano also took the gun from the gunman and hit him with it. The thieves then appeared to admit defeat and took off, leaving Mr. DiStefano and his dog unharmed except for some scratches and bruises.

Police say they have not detained any suspects in the case but noted a similar incident occurred nearby just minutes earlier. On Third Street and Cochran Avenue, men similarly emerged from a black Cadillac and stole a man’s watch. Witnesses said one of the attackers carried a handgun, but despite the similarities, police could not confirm that the same suspects carried out both crimes.

Local media KNX News posted a video of Mr. DiStefano’s attack on Instagram, prompting several people to ask why he wore such an expensive watch. While speaking to the press, DiStefano referred to that point and said he wears the Rolex because it reminds him of how far he has come in life, and it symbolizes pride in his achievements. Nevertheless, the boxer said he would keep the timepiece in a safe from now on. Rolex watches usually cost thousands of dollars, with some rare pieces valued closer to a million.

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