Biden Confuses WNBA Player as Coach

( – President Biden made a verbal gaffe when he hosted WNBA champions the Las Vegas Aces at the White House and mistook a player for a coach. Candace Parker, who recently retired and was not present at the Washington event, was described by the President as “one of the greatest all-time coaches” even though she has never coached a game. Referencing Parker’s successful basketball career, President Biden noted she had played 16 seasons, and won several honors and trophies, including two Olympic Gold Medals.

Since her retirement in April, Parker has been named president of Adidas women’s basketball, a sport that Biden said enjoyed a landmark year in 2023. Adidas issued a statement in May saying Ms. Parker would collaborate with the sportswear giant to elevate the “future of women’s sports.”

During the White House event, President Biden noted that he would welcome a political career parallel to that of the Las Vegas Aces, who have succeeded in back-to-back national contests. The Aces won their second WNBA title against the New York Liberty in October, but polls show that President Biden’s chances of achieving consecutive victories are on a knife edge.

The battle between the two contenders has heated up, and in May, Biden referred to Trump as “unhinged.” Conceding that the race was close, President Biden said something had “snapped” in Donald Trump in 2020, and he became obsessed with the idea that he had been cheated.

Trump, on the other hand, accused Biden of running a “gestapo-like” government and insists that Democrats and the Department of Justice orchestrated the criminal charges he faces to interfere with his election campaign.

Polls remain varied with Trump leading in some and Biden in others. Emerson College surveys in May place Biden ahead by 56% to Trump’s 35%, but YouGov polls conducted over the same period show the two men neck-and-neck at 43%. A Cherry Communications survey, however, gave Mr. Trump a significant lead of 51% to President Biden’s 42%.

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