Biden-Harris Campaign Reshuffle Campaign Plans

( – President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have canceled several campaign events following the attempted assassination of Republican rival Donald Trump. Vice President Harris was due to speak on Donald Trump’s abortion policy in Florida, but a statement from her office said the event was postponed.

President Biden had plans to speak at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library in Texas to commemorate the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, but that too was canceled. The Biden campaign announced it was suspending activities immediately after a gunshot injured Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania.

Additionally, Biden’s team pulled several videos from the internet, and the President told reporters that he made a mistake when he told his donors that Trump must be placed in a “bullseye.” During a media interview, Biden explained that he intended to emphasize the need for focus on the Trump agenda and the “lies he told during the debate” in Atlanta, which was largely viewed as disastrous for the President.

While expressing regret for his language, President Biden did not retract or reverse his stated view that Donald Trump presents a threat to American democracy.

Meanwhile, the former President was met with raucous applause when he appeared at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee and was formally declared the GOP Presidential candidate. Trump sat next to his newly announced Vice Presidential pick, JD Vance, who has previously called him “America’s Hitler.”

Vance entered the US Senate in 2022 and described himself as a “never Trump guy,” but has since changed his view. The former US Marine has expressed some controversial opinions, including describing the UK as an “Islamist” country. The Ohio Senator recounted a conversation with a friend during which they speculated about which Islamist nation would be first to obtain nuclear weapons. Mr. Vance and his friend concluded that the United Kingdom fit the bill, particularly in light of recent election results that returned the left-wing Labour Party to power.

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