Straight Features

Straight Features are longer feature stories that add extra context to the week’s most impactful headlines. If there’s a story to expand upon, you’ll find all of the details you need right here!

Keep an eye on your inbox for regular feature updates that dive deeper into critical news. Our updates are meant to help you more fully understand the world’s events.

Dem-Majority FCC Restores Net Neutrality

( - The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has voted to restore net neutrality rules introduced during the Obama administration. Ajit Pai, chairman during the Trump administration,...
Kim Jong-un Warns Against Military Escalation With US and South Korea

North Korean Delegation Visits Iran

( - A group of North Korean officials, led by the minister for external economic relations, Yun Jong Ho, visited Iran on April 23. Experts...

China’s Military Spending Much Higher Than US Believed

( - China’s military spending is far higher than the US believed, according to the US Indo-Pacific Command. Admiral John Aquilino told reporters in Tokyo...

Dem Lawmaker Arrested On Burglary Charge

( -A Minnesota lawmaker has been arrested and charged with first-degree burglary after allegedly breaking into her stepmother’s home. Senator Nicole Mitchell reportedly claimed she entered...

Dem Senator Compares Columbia Protesters to Charlottesville

( - Democratic Senator John Fetterman has compared anti-Israel protests at Columbia University to the Charlottesville rallies of 2017 that left a 32-year-old woman dead. Fetterman...

Migrant Supporters Push for Sanctuary City to Do More

( - Pro-migration activists in Denver have lashed out at Mayor Mike Johnston’s recently announced plans to house immigrants for six months, saying they...

Poland President Would Permit NATO Nuclear Arms to Deter Russia

( - Polish President Andrzej Duda said his country is prepared to host nuclear weapons if NATO considers it necessary. Mr. Duda said that Russia has...

Iran’s Attack on Israel Called ‘Spectacular Failure’

( - CIA Director William Burns has described Iran’s attack on Israel as a “spectacular failure.” Speaking at the George W. Bush Presidential Center in Dallas,...

Counties Sue State Over Sanctuary Policies

( - Two Colorado counties have filed a lawsuit against state authorities over their sanctuary policies, which they say have made the Grand Canyon State more...

NBA Hands Lifetime Ban to Player

( - The National Basketball Association has handed a lifetime ban to a Toronto Raptors player for violating betting rules. The NBA opened an investigation into...
