Straight Features

Straight Features are longer feature stories that add extra context to the week’s most impactful headlines. If there’s a story to expand upon, you’ll find all of the details you need right here!

Keep an eye on your inbox for regular feature updates that dive deeper into critical news. Our updates are meant to help you more fully understand the world’s events.

African Migrants Gather Outside City Hall Hoping for Green Cards

( - More than 1,000 African immigrants gathered outside New York City Hall after hearing that green cards were available. Inside the hall, New York officials...

Mayor, Wife Face Child Abuse Charges

( - The Mayor of Atlantic City, New Jersey, has been charged with abusing his teenage daughter. Marty Small and his wife have allegedly used...

German Leader Applies Pressure on China to Reign In Russia

( - German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has asked China to persuade Russia to end the war in Ukraine. Scholz emphasized to Chinese leader Xi Jinping that...

Denver Mayor Wants More Migrant Services at Police and Fire Expense

( - Denver’s Democratic Mayor has proposed cutting essential services to pay for the city’s growing illegal migrant population. Denver’s generous services to immigrants include food,...

SCOTUS Declines BLM Activist’s Appeal

( - The US Supreme Court has declined to hear an appeal from Black Lives Matter (BLM) activist DeRay McKesson after a police officer filed a...

Police Officer Fatally Shot In Line of Duty

( -A police officer was shot and killed in Memphis, Tennessee, after responding to a suspicious vehicle report. Police chief Cerelyn Davis told reporters that two...

Fringe Candidate’s VP Pick is BLM Co-Founder Abdullah

( - Left-wing Presidential candidate Cornel West has picked a Black Lives Matter (BLM) co-founder as his running mate. West announced his choice of Dr....

Ex-Trump Org CFO Sentenced to Prison

( - Former Trump Organization chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg has been jailed for perjury. Mr. Weisselberg was sent to New York’s Rikers Island prison...

El Salvador Welcomes Desirable Immigrants with 5,000 Free Passports

( - El Salvador is offering 5,000 passports to highly skilled immigrants, hoping to attract doctors, scientists, and engineers to the Central American country. The...

School District Investigates Openly Communist Teacher in Leftist State

( - Seattle Public Schools (SPS) has confirmed it is investigating an openly communist teacher who justified the murder of Israeli civilians by Hamas last October....
