Chicago Police Prep For Mass Arrests During Dem Convention

( – Chicago police are preparing for a potential outbreak of violence at the upcoming Democrat National Convention. Police Superintendent Larry Snelling said the nation’s second-largest police force is ready for extensive protests, and his officers have received specialist training in conducting mass arrests should this prove necessary.

At a press conference with US Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle, Snelling reported that 3,000 officers had received specialist instruction on how to respond to “civil unrest and the possibility of riots.” While he noted, however, that mass arrests were considered a last resort, he assured Windy City residents that his officers would not hesitate if faced with violence and disorder.

Dozens of pro-Palestinian groups reportedly intend to protest near the convention in August, with most denied permission to do so by Chicago authorities. In May, several demonstrators gathered at City Hall to alert Democratic Mayor Brandon Johnson that permits are irrelevant and they will converge on the United Center for the party’s annual gathering to make their objections to the President’s support of Israel known.

Speaking at City Hall, Tarek Khalil, with American Muslims for Palestine, insisted that demonstrators do not need authorization because protest is guaranteed under the US Constitution. “We have every right,” he said. Hatem Abudayyeh of the US Palestinian Community Network promised “tens of thousands” of people would descend on Chicago, while other activists insisted they did not want “protection” from police as they were capable of their own peacekeeping.

Some commentators have suggested that this year’s convention could emulate that of 1968, when demonstrators descended on the Democrat event to protest against the Vietnam War. Wilmington College professor Keith Orejel made the comparison on Twitter, noting a number of parallels, including “a guy named Robert Kennedy running for President.” The 1968 convention was also held in Chicago and amid a Presidential run by Robert F. Kennedy, who was assassinated the same year. His son, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., is running against President Biden this year.

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