Controversial ICE Raids in Sanctuary City Raise Alarming Questions

Controversial ICE Raids in Sanctuary City Raise Alarming Questions

ICE’s record-breaking operation in a sanctuary city has renewed debates on immigration policies and public safety.

At a Glance

  • Federal immigration authorities arrested a record number of noncitizen sex offenders this fiscal year.
  • Maryland’s sanctuary jurisdictions restrict local cooperation with federal immigration enforcement.
  • Ongoing conflicts exist between local governments and ICE regarding sanctuary policies.
  • ICE criticized Charles County for releasing an illegal migrant convicted of rape despite a detainer request.
  • Howard County’s Liberty Law prevents turning over inmates to ICE, regardless of the crime.

Record Number of Arrests

ICE agents from the Baltimore field office have arrested 161 noncitizen sex offenders so far this year, breaking the previous record of 152.

Maryland’s sanctuary jurisdictions, which include Baltimore, Baltimore County, Charles County, and others, restrict local law enforcement from cooperating with federal immigration authorities. This has led to ongoing conflicts between local governments and ICE.

Recently, Maryland ICE agents arrested a Honduran national in Anne Arundel County for a 4th degree sex offense against a minor. Maryland accounts for more than 30% of ICE’s national sex offender arrests this fiscal year.

Sanctuary Policies and Public Safety

Howard County’s Liberty Law, passed in 2021, prohibits turning over any inmates to ICE, regardless of the crime. Howard County Executive Calvin Ball defends the law, stating it protects constitutional rights and prevents discrimination. “I think we have legislation that’s working right now for Howard County,” Ball said in an interview.

Baltimore faces rampant crime issues, now compounded with illegal immigrants committing serious crimes.

National Impact of ICE Operations

ICE’s efforts are not limited to Maryland. Enforcement Removal Operations (ERO) officers arrested 54 immigration violators in the New York City Metropolitan Area and neighboring counties. The arrests were part of a nationwide, weeklong immigration enforcement activity targeting sanctuary cities, concluding on Oct. 9. More than 30 of the arrested individuals had been released from local law enforcement custody despite active ICE detainers.

“Let us not gloss over the fact that the vast majority of the individuals arrested during this operation have criminal histories. It’s frightening that New York City politicians created laws that force local law enforcement agencies to release dangerous criminals back into the community despite the seriousness of their crimes,” said Thomas R. Decker, ICE ERO New York field office director.

In another example, Fairfax County released an individual without informing ICE, despite a detainer being placed. The sanctuary policies are criticized for protecting criminals rather than ensuring community safety.

ICE Director Tony H. Pham highlighted that the agency has no choice but to conduct more at-large, targeted enforcement actions to achieve its congressionally mandated mission. “This means that the agency is likely to encounter other unlawfully present foreign nationals that wouldn’t have been encountered had we been allowed to take custody of a criminal target within the confines of a local jail.”

Community and Policy Reactions

Critics argue that sanctuary policies protect criminals and highlight the need for comprehensive immigration reform. They stress the importance of balancing community protection with holding individuals accountable for criminal conduct.

“As long as sanctuary cities shield criminal illegal aliens from deportation and leftist prosecutors are appointed to promote ideologically ‘woke’ crime policies based on what the Left perceives as ‘fairness,’ the persistence of heinous crimes like these will endure.” – stated the Heritage Foundation

Local governments continue to defend sanctuary policies, claiming they protect constitutional rights and prevent discrimination. However, ICE and others argue these policies put communities at risk by releasing dangerous criminals who should be detained and deported.


  1. ICE Office Battling Sanctuary Policies Arrests Record Number Of Sex Offenders
  1. Howard County’s sanctuary policy faces criticism amid rising ICE sex offender arrests
  1. Armstrong Williams: ICE makes 153rd illegal immigrant sex-offender arrest in Maryland | STAFF COMMENTARY
  1. New York’s sanctuary city policy leads to increased ICE activity, dozens of arrests throughout metropolitan area
  1. So Many Immigration-Enforcement Missteps in Two Illegal Migrant Sex Assault Cases
  1. Increased Illegal Immigration Brings Increased Crime: Almost 2/3 of Federal Arrests Involve Noncitizens
  1. Migrants flooding NYC’s justice system — making up ‘75% of arrests in Midtown’ — as ‘pathetic’ sanctuary city laws handcuff cops
  1. ICE Arrests Over 2,000 Illegal Immigrants, Many With Criminal Charges or Convictions