Driver Who Struck Biden’s Motorcade Facing DUI Charge

( – A driver who crashed into President Biden’s motorcade in Delaware has been arrested and charged with driving under the influence. James Cooper, of Wilmington, smashed his silver sedan into a stationery SUV that was part of the President’s motorcade, but police said this was unlikely to have been intentional, and Mr. Cooper did not realize the incident involved President Biden.

The crash happened as Biden was talking to reporters near his campaign headquarters. A loud bang spooked the President and spurred the Secret Service into protective action. Agents instantly whisked the President and First Lady away from the scene, and both were unharmed.

It was the second such incident involving Biden in his home state. Back in 2020, a Secret Service SUV traveling with the then-President-elect was also involved in an accident that left a State Trooper and a 77-year-old woman with minor injuries. Traffic was stopped at an intersection to allow the President’s motorcade to pass, and when it did, a Nissan Altima that was waiting on an exit began to proceed, but before the entire motorcade had passed through. A marked Chevrolet, traveling with the President, struck the Altima.

The incidents point to the potential vulnerability of high-profile people, and such vulnerability was also exposed in September when a protestor armed with a handgun got close to Biden’s Delaware home.

Wearing a neon vest and cargo shorts, the man walked toward the Biden household with a holstered handgun by his side. He held a sign saying, “Bidens are criminals, 20 shell companies?! Where’s the laptop? 10% for the big guy.” According to reports at the time, the President’s motorcade passed the protestor while taking him to safety.

The Secret Service later drew criticism when its spokesperson Steve Kopek said, “The individual expressing his constitutional rights had no impact on any of the Secret Service’s protectees’ movements.” Social media users condemned the Service for an apparent lax attitude toward the President’s safety.

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