FBI Arrests Trans Man Over Alleged Threats to Kill Transphobes

(StraightNews.org) – The FBI has arrested and charged an Oregon transsexual for threatening to kill “transphobes.” Elizabeth West, who was born male but identifies as female, posted a message on Facebook saying he was determined to die in a “blaze of glory,” adding that there was no point in living any longer and he was “tired” of transphobes – people who do not accept that males can transition into females and vice versa.

West left a message on a trans person’s Facebook group saying, “I’m too old to keep looking for jobs, and I’ve had it up to here being bullied by trans-phobic assh*les. I am left with no alternative.”

Users informed the FBI of the post, but West was not arrested until months afterward when he began expressing hatred toward black people and immigrants. West wrote that he was “tired of the blackening of America and Europe” and ready to stand up to “Black orcs and Jewish wizards.” His hatred of black people was apparently prompted by what he considered to be their disproportionately high levels of transphobia.

Having monitored his online activity for months, the FBI finally arrested West in January after finding a cache of weapons at his Oregon home. Among the haul were 27 guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition.

According to some media reports, the federal agency is treating the case as one of far-right extremism and has characterized West as a potential white supremacist terrorist.

Conservative commentators argue that the FBI treats cases such as these as examples of “white supremacy” in order to amplify and exaggerate its extent. For example, Luke Rosiak of the Daily Wire media outlet said in 2022 that the FBI issued repeated warnings about right-wing extremism, even though activists from the extreme left dominated its most wanted domestic terror list.

Rosiak explained that the FBI’s ten most wanted included “at least two Communists, three black nationalists, one anti-war activist, and a vegan eco-terrorist.”

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