Former CIA Head Implies Tuberville Should Be Killed

( – Former CIA Director Michael Hayden suggested that Sen. Tommy Tuberville should be removed from the human race because of his refusal to sanction military appointments. A Twitter user asked Mr. Hayden whether Tuberville should leave the Senate Armed Services Committee and he replied “How about the human race?” Social media users immediately accused Hayden of calling for Tuberville’s assassination.

The Senator continues to block committee efforts to place people in key military roles because he is furious at government plans to allow serving personnel to claim expenses for traveling out of state for an abortion. Appointments require an anonymous vote on the committee and Tuberville’s refusal means Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer needs to send some appointment nominations to the entire Senate floor.

In September, Schumer decided to bypass Mr. Tuberville and take the nominations of senior Marine Corps and Army officers to the Senate, where they were approved by a large majority. The Marine Corps has been without a leader since July when Commander David Berger retired. The Senate appointed Gen. Eric Smith as his replacement. Similarly, the Army was leaderless after the resignation of James McConville in August; Gen. Randy George will now take up the post.

There are still 315 posts to be filled and awaiting Senate approval, but there are no signs that Senator Tuberville will end his protest soon and the matter has taken on a sense of urgency following the attack on Israel on October 7 because the US does not currently have an Israeli Ambassador, nor a leader to command US forces in the Middle East. Jack Lew is in the running for Ambassador to Israel and his nomination has now been brought forward by the Senate.

President Biden called Senator Tuberville’s campaign “totally irresponsible” and said he is undermining US military readiness and weakening the nation. Tuberville continues to insist he will not budge, and the attack on Israel has not changed his mind.

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