Girls Basketball Team Banned For Forfeting Game Against Team Featuring Transgender

( – A Vermont school has filed a lawsuit after it was banned from competing in girls’ basketball for refusing to play against a team with a biological male. The Vermont Principals’ Association (VPA) barred the Mid-Vermont Christian School team from competing last February, and coach Chris Goodwin says in doing so, it discriminated against his team on religious belief grounds.

Mr. Goodwin told Fox News that males and females are different and play basketball, adding that males must be kept out of their teams to protect the girls’ game.

Attorney Ryan Tucker, who represents the school, said he is confident the law will favor the girls who don’t wish to play basketball against males. He accused the VPA of ignoring biological reality and the health and safety risks of permitting grown men to play sports against young girls. Mr. Tucker also stated that he believes the state is “attempting to purge” individuals from public debate if they disagree with transpeople in sports.

When the issue came to the fore last February, the VPA said that the Mid-Vermont Christian School had violated its rules when it refused to compete against a team with a trans player. In a statement, the organization stated that it would continue to support trans students in order to build “an inclusive community for each student to grow and thrive.”

Head of School Vicky Fogg declared that she was disappointed by the decision and criticized the VPA for failing to consider girls’ safety and opportunity.

There are currently no laws in Vermont that decide whether males may enter female sports, but last April, GOP lawmakers introduced a bill barring male participation; this was immediately denounced by Democrats and Republican Governor Phil Scott. “Let them be who they are, and let them play,” Scott said.

Currently, 25 US states prohibit men from competing in women’s sports. In response to state legislation, President Biden said he would change federal law to prevent state bans.

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