Harris Resorts to Profanity at Event About Leadership

(StraightNews.org) – Vice President Kamala Harris has described her mother’s experience as an immigrant in the United States in a profanity-laden interview. The Vice President spoke at an event hosted by the Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies, where she explained that sometimes people will open a door for you and lend a helping hand. “Sometimes they won’t,” she added, “And then you need to kick that f**king door down.”

Harris then addressed “systems” of oppression and “inequity” and insisted everyone must fight against systems that “displace power.”

Conservatives immediately criticized Ms. Harris for swearing. Raymond Arroyo, for example, said her F-bomb cannot be compared to Donald Trump’s because Trump doesn’t swear or use profanities in public. Tomi Lahren tweeted that Harris used the word to look “cool” and appeal to younger voters, many of whom are turning away from President Biden.

A pro-DeSantis Twitter account from Florida called the language “uncouth,” while a conservative radio host, Chris Stigall, said, “The only part of her that’s not phony is the trash mouth.”

Some Harris supporters hit back, however, saying the Vice President’s swearing is nothing compared to Trump’s court case for crimes related to hush money payments to an adult actress.

Indications were that the F-bomb did appeal to some younger voters, with some taking to social media to label her a bad-a**. Nevertheless, her popularity remains low across all age groups, with approval ratings below 40% on repeated polls. A USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll in March revealed that 52% disapprove of Vice President Harris, with approval from just 36%. The same poll saw 40% approval for Donald Trump and 41% for President Biden.

A survey by the Monmouth University Polling Institute in April resulted in even higher disapproval of the Vice President at 55%. Redfield & Wilton Strategies polled 44% disapproval – with 36% approval.

Analysts speculate about Harris’s unpopularity and attribute it to a perceived lack of authenticity and an apparent ability to communicate concisely.

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