Jewish Interior Department Staffer Resigns Over Gaza War

( – A Jewish Interior Department employee has resigned in protest at the government’s support of Israel. Special Assistant to the Chief of Staff Lily Greenberg Call accused the Biden administration of making Jews “the face of the American war machine.” Greenberg Call specifically objected to previous Biden comments that without Israel, Jews all over the world would never truly be safe. Despite her prior history of support for the Jewish state, she is the fifth mid or senior-level staffer to resign over the issue.

In her resignation letter, Greenberg Call said she was initially excited and enthusiastic about joining the government but could no longer carry on in good conscience. Furthermore, she warned that the war could prove “disastrous” for President Biden’s re-election chances later this year.

Throughout the 27-year-old’s years of activism, she has reportedly spent a significant amount of time communicating with Palestinian leaders and advocates in the Middle East. After the October 7 attacks, she reports that she received several messages from Palestinians inquiring about her well-being, which she described as “incredibly moving.”

A huge fan of Kamala Harris, Greenberg Call has praised the Vice President for her commitment to indigenous communities. She has also spoken of her “white privilege” and said it means she is listened to more than others.

The activist’s sentiments echo those of other former government staffers, including Josh Paul, who quit his job soon after the October 7 terror attacks. The director of congressional and public affairs at the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs wrote a two-page letter, which he published online, saying the Biden administration was doing more harm than good by providing “lethal arms” to the Jewish state.

Paul had worked at the Department for over a decade and resigned on the day President Biden visited Israel to offer American support. In later interviews, he insisted he supported Israel’s right to exist and to self-defense but argued that the war against Hamas was unnecessary and disproportionate.

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