Record 2.5 Million Migrant Encounters at U.S.-Mexico Border in FY 2023

Record 2.5 Million Migrant Encounters at U.S.-Mexico Border in FY 2023

The Biden administration’s border policies have once again proven to be as effective as a screen door on a submarine. With a record-shattering 2.5 million migrant encounters at the U.S.-Mexico border in fiscal year 2023, it’s clear that our southern frontier has become a welcome mat for the world. But fear not, patriotic readers! We’re about to dive into the facts behind this historic influx and the administration’s latest attempt to put a Band-Aid on a gushing wound.

The Border Crisis by the Numbers

The sheer magnitude of the migrant crisis at our southern border is staggering. In fiscal year 2023, U.S. authorities encountered a jaw-dropping 2.5 million migrants attempting to enter the country. This number not only surpasses previous records but also highlights the Biden administration’s failure to secure our borders effectively.

“The 2.5 million encounters of migrants occurring at the U.S.-Mexico border in fiscal year (FY) 2023 represent a new historic high, topping the prior year’s record.” – Colleen Putzel-Kavanaugh and Ariel G. Ruiz Soto

Perhaps even more alarming is the shift in demographics. For the first time, over half of the irregular arrivals were from countries beyond Mexico and northern Central America. This unprecedented change presents new challenges for border enforcement and processing capacity, further straining an already overwhelmed system.

The CBP One App: A Digital Band-Aid

In response to this crisis, the Biden administration has expanded the use of the CBP One app, allowing migrants in southern Mexican states to schedule appointments for U.S. entry. This move aims to reduce the dangers faced by migrants traveling north and ease the burden on the Mexican government.

“Migrants will be able to schedule appointments on the CBP One app from the states of Chiapas and Tabasco, extending the zone from northern and central Mexico” – U.S. Customs and Border Protection

While the administration touts this as a win, it’s essential to recognize that it’s merely a digital Band-Aid on a gaping wound. The app has facilitated over 680,000 appointments at Mexican land crossings with the U.S. from January to June 2023, effectively creating a new avenue for legal entry without addressing the root causes of mass migration.

The Parole Controversy

Adding fuel to the fire, the Biden administration has admitted over half a million migrants under immigration parole programs. These programs have sparked legal disputes and drawn sharp criticism from Republicans who argue that they circumvent proper legislative channels.

“The Department of Homeland Security, under the false pretense of preventing aliens from unlawfully crossing the border between the ports of entry, has effectively created a new visa program — without the formalities of legislation from Congress” – Republican-led states in a lawsuit

The administration’s reliance on parole programs raises serious questions about the long-term consequences of these policies and their impact on our immigration system.

The Cost of Chaos

As the border crisis continues to spiral out of control, the Biden administration has requested a staggering $13.6 billion in emergency supplemental funding to address border security and immigration system challenges. This astronomical sum underscores the magnitude of the problem and the administration’s inability to manage it effectively.

In conclusion, the record-breaking 2.5 million migrant encounters at the U.S.-Mexico border in FY 2023 serve as a stark reminder of the ongoing crisis at our southern frontier. While the administration attempts to mitigate the situation through digital apps and parole programs, these measures fail to address the fundamental issues driving mass migration. As patriotic Americans, we must remain vigilant and demand real solutions that prioritize our national security and the rule of law.


  1. In a win for Mexico, US will expand areas for migrants to apply online for entry at southern border
  1. US will expand areas for migrants to apply online for entry at southern border
  1. US will expand areas for migrants to apply online for entry at southern border
  2. U.S. has welcomed more than 500,000 migrants as part of historic expansion of legal immigration under Biden