Senate Candidates in California Attack Each Other Over Israel Position

( – Senate candidates in California have been lashing out at each other about their positions on the Israeli war. Rep. Barbara Lee challenged her fellow Democrats to back calls for a ceasefire, but Rep. Adam Schiff refused. Lee said Israeli military action in the Gaza Strip could “spiral out of control” and was counterproductive to the Jewish state’s security.

Rep. Katie Porter, also running in the race to replace former Senator Dianne Feinstein, who died last year, has likewise called for a ceasefire. Schiff and Republican candidate Steve Garvey, however, both back the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) action. “I don’t know how you can ask any nation to cease fire when their people are being held by a terrorist organization,” Rep. Schiff said. He added that Hamas cannot stay in power.

The three Democrats, nonetheless, called for a two-state solution, with Lee blaming the Israeli government for lack of progress. President Biden has consistently advocated a two-state compromise and discussed this with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu following the terrorist attack in southern Israel on October 7.

Netanyahu is wary, however, and after several previously broken-down two-state negotiations, he is pessimistic about success. California Republican Steve Garvey agrees and said hopes for a diplomatic solution to the decades-long conflict are “naïve.”

The Middle East war has caused a rift in the Democratic party, with many lawmakers objecting to what they consider President Biden’s unconditional support. Hamas claims that more than 20,000 have been killed since Israel invaded the Gaza Strip, and several international politicians have urged restraint and even accused Israel of genocide.

South Africa filed a formal complaint against the Jewish state at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), saying Israeli attacks amount to genocide because they “intend” to “bring about the destruction” of the Palestinian population.

Israel dismissed the case as “blood libel” and said it was a shame that South Africa, which prides itself on anti-racism, should “be fighting pro-bono for the anti-Jewish racists.”

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