Single Mom Distressed Over Short-Term Rental Squatters

( – A North Carolina resident described how Airbnb renters refused to leave her property and claimed they were lawful inhabitants. Single mom Farzana Rahman rented the two-bedroom apartment for seven months, but the guests decided to overstay.

Rahman told reporters that the unwelcome guests insisted they would not depart without an eviction notice, forcing her to file a request with the courts. The mother, who has a son in college, said the process is sapping her energy and resources, wasting her time, and “stressing” her out. She added that she does not know the property’s condition or whether the unwanted guests have vandalized it.

The rental agreement commenced last October when Rahman signed a seven-month deal, with the renters paying upfront via the Airbnb system. When cleaning staff showed up at the end of the rental period in May, they were barred from entering the property and told not to return.

The following day, Ms. Rahman arrived with a police officer to find a note on the door that read, “We will vacate the property when you file the proper paperwork with the civil magistrate for an eviction, for we are legal residents of this home.”

Legal experts say that North Carolina recognizes squatters’ rights and allows people to take possession of property without paying for it. To remove squatters, owners must apply through the court system, and if the squatter refuses to move out after a court order, they can be classified as trespassers, which is a criminal offense.

Under North Carolina law, if a squatter has resided at a property for 20 continuous years, they can file for Adverse Possession, meaning they can acquire legal ownership.

Ms. Rahman said she was not optimistic that her former tenants would leave and claimed that Airbnb only provided assistance or resolution once she involved the media. Then, the company issued a statement saying such issues are rare and it would work with Rahman to ensure a satisfactory outcome.

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