Trump Wins Iowa in Historic 30-Point Landslide, DeSantis 2nd

( – Donald Trump won a resounding victory in the Iowa caucuses on January 15. It was the first significant test for the remaining GOP Presidential candidates, and second place went to Ron DeSantis, who came out just in front of his rival Nikki Haley with 21% compared to Haley’s 19%. Vivek Ramaswamy took 8%.

Following his 51% victory, Trump took to his Truth Social media account and wrote, “THANK YOU IOWA, I LOVE YOU ALL!!!” The victory margin was a record, surpassing Bob Dole’s 12% margin win in 1988.

Detailed results show that Trump secured a majority among most demographics. He won the vote of men and women and those who describe themselves as very conservative, somewhat conservative, and independent.

Trump’s victory in the Hawkeye State is unlikely to surprise many people as his base there has remained loyal. Iowans also largely believe that the former President is the victim of persecution and abuse by federal agencies and that Biden did not legitimately win the Presidency in 2020.

According to a CNN survey of Trump supporters on voting day, most wanted a President who would fight for them, with a third saying they wanted to vote for a candidate who shared their values. Topping the list of policy concerns was the economy at 38%, with immigration a close second. One in eight voters named abortion as their primary concern, and another one in eight said it was foreign policy.

The next step on the path to the White House is New Hampshire, where Trump also enjoys a commanding poll lead. In a Boston Globe/Suffolk University/NBC-10 Boston survey on January 16, the former President took 50% of the vote. Nikki Haley is more popular in the Granite State than in Iowa, polling 34%. Ron DeSantis is in third place with just 5%.

The Democratic National Committee in New Hampshire has barred President Biden from the ballot for failure to comply with calendar guidelines.

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