Two Hurt By COVID Vaccine Receive Payment From US Government

( – The federal government has compensated two people who became ill following a Covid vaccine. The US Health Resources and Services Administration, which administers the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP), paid the patients after they suffered heart inflammation resulting from vaccination, but officials will not say which particular vaccines were responsible.

The unnamed recipients were given checks for $4,183 and $4,934, which critics say is a vastly underwhelming sum and must be increased in future cases. Brianne Dressen, who co-founded the React19 organization that helps people suffering ill effects from Covid vaccination, said, “Almost three years into the Covid vaccine roll-out and the US government has paid out around $18,000 total to six people.” She added that it is clear that vaccine damage is not a priority for American leaders.

React19 has documented more than a thousand known injuries sustained via Covid vaccines. This includes 255 “heart issues,” hundreds of cases of fatigue, inflammation, paraesthesias, head pain, muscle and joint pain, brain fog, gastrointestinal problems, limb weakness, and neuropathy.

Dressen says the CICP is part of a “broken system.” She describes how the federal agency has awarded less than $18,000 while her organization has assisted victims to the tune of $750,000.

In July, patients publicly revealed letters from the CICP rejecting payment requests, even though doctors testified that the vaccines had harmed them. One such patient was Cody Flint, whom four doctors diagnosed as suffering from vaccine injury-related symptoms, including severe pressure inside his head that led to a perilymphatic fistula. A perilymphatic fistula is a tear in the membranes separating the middle and inner ear.

Mr. Flint, a pilot, sent documentation from the group of doctors as testimony of his injuries but was rejected by the CICP, who said he did not prove the link between the vaccine and his medical diagnosis. Flint said the symptoms, which he described as a bomb going off in his head, began within an hour of receiving a Pfizer vaccine.

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