All Eyes on the GOP as Race Towards Iowa Intensifies

( – Republican Presidential candidates are heading to Iowa to campaign ahead of the crucial caucuses on January 15. Former President Donald Trump maintains a double-digit lead, while Florida Governor Ron DeSantis competes with Nikki Haley for second place. Despite his commanding lead, Trump has warned his supporters against complacency and increased his attacks on former UN Ambassador Haley.

In a new TV ad, the former President showed images of Haley side-by-side with Joe Biden and said the two candidates opposed his plans to prohibit migration from countries that are home to high numbers of potential anti-American terrorists. “Haley’s weakness puts us in grave danger, Trump’s strength protects us,” the ad concludes.

In response, Haley told a crowd in the Hawkeye State that she doesn’t talk much about her opponents because “I don’t think you want to hear it.” GOP strategist Dave Carney said the former South Carolina Governor is careful with her words because she does not want to alienate large swathes of the Republican Party. Haley has previously described Trump as “the right President at the right time” but argues that the country needs to move on.

In one swipe in New Hampshire, however, Haley accused Trump of throwing tantrums because he is alarmed by her rise.

Ron DeSantis has shown himself more aggressive in his criticisms of Trump. DeSantis has previously lashed out at the former President for lack of stamina and accused him of energizing Democrats. “You could have John Kennedy walk through the door right now, and he wouldn’t energize Democrats as much as Donald Trump does,” he said.

In Des Moines more recently, DeSantis targeted Trump’s abortion record and said he had flip-flopped on the issue. The Floridian has furthermore accused Nikki Haley of positioning herself as Trump’s Vice President and, therefore, is hedging her bets. In a campaign ad, the DeSantis camp constructed a video of clips featuring Haley refusing to condemn Mr. Trump outright. He launched the ad on a website called

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