Ways & Means

A vast majority of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, struggling more than ever. And the reality is that even if inflation is slow, costs won’t come down nearly as fast as they went up – or back to the point they were before. Americans are facing a multitude of challenges, and we want to help.

While our Everyday Briefs and Straight Features are designed to keep you up to date on the news, our Ways & Means category is filled with helpful resources. Check back regularly for information on helpful programs, financial tips, and even tools you can use to go back to school.

5 Things to Consider If You Can’t Pay Your Rent

Can't Pay Rent? 5 Options For You To Consider (StraightNews.org) - Times are hard for everyone, and many people struggle to pay their rent. Eviction...

Credit Repair vs Debt Consolidation: What You Need to Know

(StraightNews.org) - Credit repair and debt consolidation can help people rebuild their credit, but they work very differently. Understanding the differences between the programs...

Exploring Tax Credits for Low Income Families

Make Your Taxes Work For You With These Commonly Missed Tax Credits (StraightNews.org) - Many times, filing your taxes can be highly frustrating. You want...

Exploring the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program

Quick Easy Guide To The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program (StraightNews.org) - The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) is a federally funded...

What to Do When the Student Loan Deferment Program Ends

The Student Loan Deferment Program Is ENDING. Here's What You Need To Know (StraightNews.org) - The American government has extended the student loan forbearance several...

Everything You Need to Know about Buying a Foreclosed Home

Buying a Foreclosed Home? Read This (StraightNews.org) - It is not uncommon for those who are struggling financially to be unable to afford to keep...

How to Find Federal Grants to Repair Your Home

How To Repair Your Home With Federal Grant Money (StraightNews.org) - Is your house a little worse for wear? Maybe you have let that “little...

The National Eviction Protection Program Is Long Gone: So What Now?

Are You Facing Eviction? There Might Be a Work Around (StraightNews.org) - The National Eviction Protection moratorium was lifted last August, leaving 6.5 million households...

11 Things You Can Do to Lower Your Tax Bill

Use These 11 Clever Tricks To Lower Your Tax Bill (StraightNews.org) - American taxpayers, especially those who do not hire professionals, may not be aware...

How to Avoid Fraud and Identity Theft

Keep Fraud And Identity Theft At Bay With This Guide (StraightNews.org) - Intentionally attempting to obtain an unauthorized benefit is considered fraud. There are several...
