Hamas Co-Founder’s Son Urges Israel to Dismantle Hamas

(StraightNews.org) – The son of Hamas co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef said Israel is doing a huge favor for the Palestinian people by destroying the terrorist group. Mosab Hassan Yousef, a former Muslim who has converted to Christianity, told Fox News host Brian Kilmeade that he was born at the heart of Hamas and knows it well. “They don’t care for the Palestinian people. They don’t regard human life,” he said.

Mr. Yousef recounted how he witnessed the behavior of Hamas operatives in 1996 when he served time in a Sudanese prison. He said they killed people casually, and he wondered what a state under their leadership would look like. “If they succeed in destroying Israel and building their state, what will they do? They will kill our people,” he told Kilmeade.

Yousef furthermore encouraged women, children, and men over 50 to leave the Gaza Strip and let Israel get on with destroying the group responsible for the deadliest terror attack since 9/11.

The denouncement of Hamas by Mr. Yousef comes four years after his brother similarly condemned the terror group and exposed it on Israeli television. Suheib Yousef spoke to Israel’s Channel 12 in 2019 and described working as an intelligence officer for Hamas in Turkey, where he alleged there is a complex spying network with “advanced listening equipment, to listen to people and Palestinian leaders in Ramallah.”

The former Hamas operative told the Israeli reporter that the organization does not work in the interests of the Palestinian people and is motivated by generous financial donations from Iran.

It is well-known and documented that Hamas’s most senior figures live in luxurious surroundings outside the Gaza Strip. Dr. Musa Abu Marzook, for example, is considered second-in-command of the terrorist group and is said to have amassed a fortune of more than $2 billion. Khaled Mashaal, another senior figure, has around $2.6 billion. Middle East lecturer Dr. Moshe Elad said the money comes from various sources, including donations and aid from Western countries.

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